Monday, February 18, 2019

Week 84: Another great week in Lawton

This was a pretty stellar week. Monday was P day so we did our regular routine of emails and then we decided to go wander around the mall for a little bit. The rest of the week we had a pretty good flow of lessons. 

Two of the big ones were Joseph Schroeder and James McQuillan. With Joseph, he told us about his upbringing and how that had played a huge factor in his life. He told us that he later learned that his mom was a member of our church and she didn't tell him until she was close to passing away. He has had an interest since then but never too sincere. Now he told us that it is his time for finding out if it is true. We had a great lesson about how families can be together forever. In the past, his wife was the one most interested and Joseph stood in the background, now that has changed. We are going back Wednesday to go over the whole plan of salvation with him.

We had another great lesson with James. We went over last night and had a discussion on why bad things happen to good people. We found out that one of his big things is "I fully believe that Joseph Smith believes what he saw but I don't know. That is where faith comes in." His wife and he had a new years resolution to read the Book of Mormon daily so I reminded them of that and they are going to try and do better with that. He had a lot of questions of why did it come forth when it did? Why did it happen there? Why was it Joseph Smith and not someone else so Elder Hammond gave him the Why 1820? talk. We're going back over Wednesday to talk all about it.

It's been a good week in Oklahoma!
Elder McMinn

"Keep going and the Lord will help you".
-D. Todd Christofferson

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